Cheers to Beers

A blog dedicated to bringing you some history and reviews of your favorite brews

Friday, March 31, 2006

This Bud can be yours

Budweiser is a global brand and sells more then any domestic beer combined in the USA. Budweiser is the best selling brand of beer in the world and is renowned for its slogan "King of Beers". Budweiser has been brewed since 1876 by Anheuser-Busch and based in St. Louis, Missouri . It is known for its many sports sponserships and Budweiser has always had catchy commercials from the "Wassups" to 3 frogs repeating "Bud" "Wei" "Ser" and its famous Bud Bowl is an American favorite. Budweiser is a marketing sensation and you may buy many products with the Budweiser logo and brand.

Budweiser is lager and smells good their is a pleasant aroma to the beer. Budweiser is lightly flavoured and heavily carbonated and has a mild taste by the mouthful it is very generous and goes down easy. Budweiser looks great and the label my be one of the best in the world. Will i have another? Yes this Buds for me

Cheer to Beer Rating

Taste: A Smell: B+ Look: A Mouthful: A Repeat: A-

Overall: A


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